Investigating the Temporal Dynamics of Interorganizational Exchange: Patient Transfers Among Italian Hospitals

Previous research on interaction behavior among organizations has typically aggregated those behaviors over time as a network of organizational relationships. This paper instead studies structural-temporal patterns in organizational exchange. Applying this lens to a community of Italian hospitals during 2003–7, the authors observe two mechanisms of interorganizational reciprocation: organizational embedding and resource dependence, and show how these two mechanisms operate on distinct time horizons and operate differently in competitive and non-competitive contexts. Results shed light on the evolution of generalized exchange or status hierarchies at the population level.

Kitts, James A., Lomi, Alessandro, Mascia, Daniele, Pallotti, Francesca, and Eric Quintane. “Investigating the Temporal Dynamics of Interorganizational Exchange: Patient Transfers Among Italian Hospitals.” American Journal of Sociology. 123(3): 850-910, 2017.

Greed and Fear in Network Reciprocity: Implications for Cooperation among Organizations

This paper depicts the evolution of cooperation on regular lattices, with strategies propagating locally by relative fitness. The underlying dilemma arises from two distinct dimensions—the gains for exploiting cooperative partners (Greed) and the cost of cooperating with exploitative partners (Fear). This paper uses computational experiments to show that embedding interaction in networks generally leads Greed and Fear to have divergent, interactive, and highly nonlinear effects on cooperation at the macro level, even when individuals respond identically to Greed and Fear. We then replicate our experiments on inter-organizational network data derived from links through shared directors among 2,400 large US corporations.

Kitts, James A., Leal, Diego F., Jones, Thomas M., Felps, Will, and Shawn L. Berman. “Greed and Fear in Network Reciprocity: Implications for Cooperation among Organizations”   PLoS ONE 11(2), 2016.

Birds of a Feather or Friend of a Friend? Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Investigate Adolescent Friendship Networks

This paper uses newly developed statistical methods to examine the generative processes that give rise to wide-spread patterns in friendship networks. We apply exponential family random graph models to the adolescent friendship networks in fifty-nine US schools from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health (Add Health). We model friendship formation as a selection process constrained by individuals’ sociality (propensity to make friends), selective mixing in dyads (friendships within race, grade, or sex categories are more likely), and closure in triads (a friend’s friends are more likely to become friends), given local population composition.

Goodreau, Steven, Kitts, James A., and Martina Morris. “Birds of a Feather or Friend of a Friend? Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Investigate Adolescent Friendship Networks.” Demography, 46(1): 103-126, March 2009.